Navigate Languages and Copy Content

This article explains how to browse documents in multiple locales and copy content from one locale to another.

This document explains how to copy and translate content. Want to learn how to add locales to your Prismic repository? See Manage Locales.

Navigating languages

If you have multiple languages in your repository, you can navigate between languages from two places: the document list and within a document.

From the document list

All the languages of your repository will be available in the language dropdown at the top right of your document list. This view allows you to navigate between different languages and see the translated documents.

From within a document

When you open any document from the document list, you will find a language dropdown at the top to switch to another language. This process will take you directly to the selected language version of this particular document.

Copy to another locale

You can copy documents to another locale individually in the document editor or bulk in the document list. When you copy a document individually in the document editor, it will open a window to define what you want to copy and what language.

To learn more about copying in bulk, see the article Make Changes in Bulk.

The Copy to another locale action duplicates the content. It doesn't translate it. You will need to translate the content manually.

Copy all content

This option will copy all the content of your page from the source locale to the target locale.

Copy slice structure and assets

This option will copy all media taken from the Media Library and slice structures, without content (text).

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